Menlo Ventures Roundtable on Running Generative AI Experiments to Streamline Your Company’s Go-to-Market Operation

Wednesday, July 10, 2024
1:30 PM ET / 12:30 PM CT / 11:30 AM MT / 10:30 AM PT
There are an overwhelming number of different ways that AI could help improve team operations, but it's tricky to zero in on which use cases are the most promising. Vikram Ekambaram has led go-to-market teams at Gong, Tableau, Microsoft and Oracle before founding Vyceral Solutions, a consultancy focused on transforming go-to-market with AI. There's no single playbook for this yet, but in this session, Vikram will walk though how to find activities that AI will help the most with, and how to build out AI experiments within your company.


Join to discuss:


  • Examples of internal use cases that tend to be the best places to start
  • Why "generate" vs. "integrate" applications are usually higher ROI
  • What types of data lend themself to AI (and what types don't)
  • Who should be involved in AI experiments designed to improve GTM efficiency
  • Tips for planning, budgeting for, and assessing AI experiments

Virtual Event